What: A way to be a full member of our club even if you can’t attend noon meetings on Friday!
When: First Monday of each month at 6 PM (Second Monday if First is a holiday)
Where: Mimi’s Restaurant on route 200 in the Garden Room
Why: Our clubs Friday Noon meeting schedule prevented people who wanted to serve children though Kiwanis from being an active member. We created the Club Satellite so those people can join us, serve in all our service projects and be full members of out club. In fact, the 2023-2024 Club President is a member of the Club Satellite!
Purpose: To serve while having fun and fellowship! To make it possible and convenient through the Club Satellite for working people and others with time commitments to be a part of the Kiwanis organization!
Cost: There are minimal fees involved to make you a full Kiwanian. There is a one time Initiation Fee of $75. This fee includes your pin and the entire registration process which makes you a full member of the Kiwanis Club of Ocala, Florida District of Kiwanis, and Kiwanis International. Quarterly dues are $70.00. Dues include your magazine subscription, insurance coverage for any project you are working on for Kiwanis, and administration costs.
Club Satellite Service Project: Assembling Hygiene Kits for the Homeless Children in Marion County. Many children need to shower when they get to school. Club Satellite members may work on any or all Kiwanis Club of Ocala service projects – this one we do eleven months a year. We provide quart bags with a hotel size shampoo, conditioner, lotion, soap, toothbrush, toothpaste and a washcloth. These are delivered to the school system for distribution to the schools as they are needed.
Monthly Agenda: On the first Monday of each month we assemble the Hygiene Kits first. We order from the menu and while we are waiting, we informally handle our business. We have a welcome, usually a speaker, share Kiwanis news and club projects in which Satellite members might want to participate, and collect Happy Bucks so we can share with each other. Happy Bucks collected go to the Boys and Girls Club. We also have fun talking and visiting!
Club Satellite
Club Satellite Information
What: A way to be a full member of our club even if you can’t attend noon meetings on Friday!
When: First Monday of each month at 6 PM (Second Monday if First is a holiday)
Where: Mimi’s Restaurant on route 200 in the Garden Room
Why: Our clubs Friday Noon meeting schedule prevented people who wanted to serve children though Kiwanis from being an active member. We created the Club Satellite so those people can join us, serve in all our service projects and be full members of out club. In fact, the 2023-2024 Club President is a member of the Club Satellite!
To serve while having fun and fellowship!
To make it possible and convenient through the Club Satellite for working people and others with time commitments to be a part of the Kiwanis organization!
Cost: There are minimal fees involved to make you a full Kiwanian. There is a one time Initiation Fee of $75. This fee includes your pin and the entire registration process which makes you a full member of the Kiwanis Club of Ocala, Florida District of Kiwanis, and Kiwanis International. Quarterly dues are $70.00. Dues include your magazine subscription, insurance coverage for any project you are working on for Kiwanis, and administration costs.
Club Satellite Service Project: Assembling Hygiene Kits for the Homeless Children in Marion County. Many children need to shower when they get to school. Club Satellite members may work on any or all Kiwanis Club of Ocala service projects – this one we do eleven months a year.
We provide quart bags with a hotel size shampoo, conditioner, lotion, soap, toothbrush, toothpaste and a washcloth. These are delivered to the school system for distribution to the schools as they are needed.
Monthly Agenda: On the first Monday of each month we assemble the Hygiene Kits first. We order from the menu and while we are waiting, we informally handle our business. We have a welcome, usually a speaker, share Kiwanis news and club projects in which Satellite members might want to participate, and collect Happy Bucks so we can share with each other. Happy Bucks collected go to the Boys and Girls Club. We also have fun talking and visiting!
FMI contact Shelley Sizemore – [email protected] – 352-875-4880
What’s Happening
Nothing from February 11, 2025 to March 11, 2025.